Simple Mind Map Templates

Capture the full potential of concepts with our simple mind map templates. Brainstorm with your team to organize ideas around a central topic and expand on related subtopics and insights.

Why use a simple mind map template?

Our simple mind map templates help teams collaborate and connect ideas by mapping out concepts and breaking down complex topics. These easy brainstorming tools provide a structured but flexible framework for exploring and organizing collective ideas.

Choose one of the following simple mind map examples and use it as creative thinking templates for your next meeting, workshop, or brainstorming session.

Basic Mind Map

This foundational template offers a clean, straightforward design for capturing ideas or basic concept mapping. It's perfect for beginners and quick brainstorming sessions, allowing users to quickly extend branching subtopics around a central theme.

Bubble Mind Map

This customizable mind map template represents subtopics and ideas as circular nodes. Its organic layout encourages free-flowing thought association. Our bubble mind map template is perfect for visual thinkers and teams who prefer a less rigid structure for ideation and brainstorming.

Tree Mind Map

A tree mind map structures ideas in a hierarchical format, similar to branches of a tree. This template can help break down complex topics into manageable parts, and is particularly useful for project planning, goal setting, and task allocation.

Radial Mind Map

With its spoke-like design, this brainstorming template places the main concept at the center with subtopics radiating outward. It's great for free-form ideation, and for identifying the relationships, patterns and connections between disparate ideas.

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