Introduction to Teams and Roles

In this article:

Teams & Roles work in combination with Sharing & Permissions and Live Collaboration to help you put the right information in front of the right people – at exactly the right time.

If you are subscribed to our Unlimited Plan, you can create multiple teams within your account. Our other plans offer single-team accounts only.

There are four roles within a team: Admin, Manager, Member, and Reviewer. Collaborators from outside a team – or even outside an account – can be added to individual projects as Contributors or Guests.

In this section’s subsequent articles, we’ll describe these roles – and explain how they determine access to both projects and account information.

We’ll also show you how to create and manage teams, add and remove team members, and change team roles.

Teams feature by plan

Access to our Teams feature varies depending on the plan to which you've subscribed:





  • One team member (you).
  • Invite Guests to view and comment on your projects.


  • One team member (you)
  • Invite 1 Guest to view and comment on your projects.
  • 50 Contributors