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Introducing Multiple Teams

Posted on May 24, 2021

Streamline your company’s workflow by creating multiple teams. Organize by department, initiative, or client to help keep everybody focused.

In February of last year, Moqups added the ability to set roles and permissions within a team. Now, with the introduction of our Multiple Teams feature, subscribers to our Unlimited Plan can create an unlimited number of teams within their account.

With the shift to both remote work and cross-domain workflows, this additional level of control helps keep everyone’s workflow focused. Each team can have its own members, projects, and shared asset libraries – making both collaboration and sharing simple and clean.

Of course, how you choose to segment your work will naturally depend on your organization’s culture and requirements:

You can choose to reflect the current hierarchy of your company by creating departmental teams. Or, you might organize teams around new initiatives or products. And, if you represent an agency or consultancy, you can create dedicated teams for each of your clients. Most likely, though, you’ll combine these strategies to adopt a structure that mirrors your own workflow.

Learn about our Unlimited plan

Adding a new team is easy! Admins will find the Add New Team button in the Teams window of their dashboard. And all members will see, listed along the left sidebar, the teams to which they’ve been added:

If you’re running multiple teams, you can quickly move projects between them. This allows you to hand-off projects between groups as your work progresses. It also means that you can initiate a project with a small group, and then introduce it to the larger team when you’re ready for primetime:

We hope this new functionality will help you:

  • Segment work into dedicated streams so your teams can work better together.
  • Improve discoverability by making it easier for teams to use and share assets.
  • Focus and unify efforts that support specific initiatives or clients.

This has been an unprecedented year. Companies have had to redefine their notion of the ‘office’, and adapt their workflow to a stream of emerging challenges.

Multiple Teams is designed to help organizations – especially large enterprises that have teams all around the globe – meet those challenges through effective management of both projects and personnel.

Your input is vital to helping Moqups meet those challenges too. We are tremendously grateful for all of your ongoing requests, insights, and suggestions. Input from passionate users guides our roadmap, and helps us develop new features like this. So, please keep your feedback coming!

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