8 New Features
Reviewers ride for free
With your team, Reviewers no longer take up a paid seat. We want your team to share freely with stakeholders who only need view and comment rights – so now you’ll only pay for team members with edit rights.
Export for @3x screens
We’ve added @3x resolution to both our page and selection export so your PNG’s will be compatible with the newest device screens.
Copy CSS of objects on the page
Working on a proof of concept and want to get a sense of how your page elements will look once implemented? Our new Copy CSS option lets your team grab quick specifications, play around with the code, and jump-start development by copying styles of selected objects.

We now accept Apple Pay
We’ve added Apple Pay to our payment options, and we’ve made it easier to switch payment methods.

Add emojis to project and folder names
You can now add emojis to both page and project names. Make navigation more playful, or mark the status and progress of work quickly and visually.

Keep permissions when duplicating a project
When you duplicate a project – using either Save as function from the Editor or Duplicate from the dashboard – you now have the option to Enable Team Access and Keep Project Permissions.
New Help Center sections for both Pages and Workspace
We’ve added complete guides to help you use Pages effectively, and personalize your Moqups Workspace. Browse or search the Help Center to get fast answers to any kind of question!

Manage Atlassian Cloud integrations from the dashboard
Now, you can view your Jira Cloud and Confluence Cloud integrations right from your Moqups dashboard.
6 Improvements:
PayPal users can now switch payment methods from dashboard.
Discount Codes can now be applied to Credit Cards, PayPal and Apple Pay.
Error messages have been updated and clarified.
You can now set Default Styles for individual stencil types.
The New project from selection option now displays the full ‘Save as’ dialog so you can name your project, choose its team, and Enable team access.
You now have the option of hiding the tooltips that display Interactions links in Preview Mode.
If you want to share a direct link to the exported page or project – as opposed to sending the exported file as an attachment – just right-click on the download link and copy the URL. The secure S3 link will expire after 4 hours.
Google Fonts:
- Added: Balsamiq Sans, Bellota, Bellota Text, Caladea, Comic Neue, DM Mono, Epilogue, Gotu, Grandstander, Grenze Gotisch, Inria Sans, Inter, Jost, Kufam, Kumbh Sans, Manrope, Oxanium, Recursive, Red Rose, Rowdies, Sen, Sora, Spartan, Suravaram, Syne, Varta, Viaoda Libre.
- Family & Parameter Updates: Baloo 2, Baloo Bhai 2, Baloo Bhaina 2, Baloo Chettan 2, Baloo Da 2, Baloo Paaji 2, Baloo Tamma 2, Baloo Tammudu 2 Baloo Thambi 2, Big Shoulders Display, Big Shoulders Text, Bitter, Cinzel, Harmattan, Heebo, Inconsolata, Josefin Sans, Lacquer, Literata, Lora, Merriweather Sans, Mulish, MuseoModerno, Noto Sans JP, Petrona, Playfair Display, Raleway, Signika, Source Serif Pro, Vollkorn, Work Sans.
- Removed: Baloo Bhaijaan.
13 Bug Fixes:
The Page Size presets now work more reliably.
To prevent accidental changes to active pages the Page Settings panel no longer displays when you select deleted pages from the Trash.
The Team selection dropdown in the New Project dialog now displays long team names properly.
We’ve made it easier to edit and add text to multi-line text objects.
The dropdown button now displays as active while you’re using the toolkit.
When Drawing Mode is activated from toolkit, the Page Settings panel is now hidden.
Pressing ‘T’ to touch and edit now works with all text-based objects.
HTML Export offline viewer:
The top toolbar now reflects the Preview toolbar.
Icons are now properly displayed in Firefox.
Various minor fixes.
The Sharing Window now displays long user names without blocking the adjust permissions dropdown.
The Moqups Extension’s color picker now works more reliably.
Fixed a bug that prevented Table cells from having their backgrounds set to transparent.