What’s New: September 25, 2018

Posted on Sep 25, 2018

This update is all about diagrams! You can now expand diagrams fast, replace blocks on the page, and swap your start and end markers.

New Features:

  • Supercharged Diagramming Tools:
    • Diagram Extenders:
      • Selecting a Flowchart Diagram stencil on the page will now reveal arrows on all four sides of that object. Clicking on any arrow will duplicate that object, automatically connect them, and then open the new object's text-edit mode for quick renaming.
      • For lighting-fast, omnidirectional work, Shift + Alt/Option + Arrow keys also adds and connects objects.
      • When there is an object immediately adjacent from the one you are ‘extending’, clicking the extenders – or using the keystroke – will automatically connect those two objects.
    • Replace Stencils:
      • You can quickly update and replace any Flowchart Diagram stencils that are already part of a diagram on the page. Just drag the new stencil over an existing one, and drop when the replace icon appears.
    • Swap Start & End Markers:
      • Hold down Shift + X to reverse the start and end markers of any connector; this is the same keystroke that reverses the Fill and Stroke style when an object is selected.
    • Connector Styling:
      • Now, after you style a connector, any subsequent connector you create will automatically adopt that style – until you change it again.
      • Previously, if you wanted to mass-style connectors that were already on the page, you had to select them individually; now selecting a group of objects and connectors will reveal the ‘Connector Style’ section of the Format Panel, and let you customize all the selected connectors at once.


  • Workspace > Advanced Settings
    • Some users prefer to work without object highlights, so now you can select or deselect ‘Highlight object while hovering’.
    • ‘Select behind Locked Objects’ is now turned OFF by default.
  • Various performance improvements

Bug Fixes:

  • The Presence Border now follows the selected object reliably, and no longer gets stuck in place when moving or zooming.
  • The New Project dialog no longer closes if you accidentally click outside its frame.
  • In the ‘Invalid file type’ warning dialog, the list of ‘currently supported files’ now includes SVG files.

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