We’ve made it easier to select objects on the page, tweaked the Pages, Templates and Images panels, and improved performance of our library thumbnails.
New Features
- Object Highlights: To make selection easier, objects will now be highlighted when hovered. This should especially make the selection of thin or small objects much easier and reduce missed clicks.
- In the Pages, Templates, and Images panels, right-clicking on the empty space – at the end of the library or page-list – now displays the Context Menu and offers the option of creating a New folder. Previously, you had to use the icon in the toolbar to do this.
- Thumbnail performance has been improved in the Pages, Templates, and Images panels.
Bug Fixes
- Images and Templates Libraries: Fixed a bug that prevented drag and drop of SVGs from the Images Library to the page.
- When dragging and dropping an image onto the page, the mouse pointer remains on the upper-left object handle, and is no longer offset.
- Fixed a bug that intermittently prevented the upload of images after they had been selected.
- Added a reminder to the Templates Library that a project must be saved before a new template can be created; a similar prompt already existed for Images Library uploads.
- When dragging multiple templates onto the page, all of them now remain selected.
- In both libraries, when creating a ‘New folder from selection’, a bug permitted the folder to be accidentally relocated during the renaming process.
- Fixed a bug that caused occasional errors when adding images or templates to the page.
- Restored the double-click to add images or templates to the page – but only in Grid View.
- Various performance improvements.
- When using the Background Removal tool, right-clicking on an image now exits that mode and displays the Context Menu.
- Even though ‘Select behind locked objects’ was de-selected in the Workspace > Advanced Settings, dragging still selected those objects.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Group Border to crash when flipping an object within a group.
- Undo now properly restores deleted Connectors along with the objects they connect.