What’s New: October 2, 2019

What’s New: October 2, 2019

New Features:

  • Our new Table offers a fully-visual editing experience, and replaces the old, syntax-based Grid stencil. Now, you can:
    • Quickly select, resize, and reformat rows and columns
    • Apply background color to rows, columns, and cells
    • Use rich text editing, and add links and highlights
    • Justify and align cell content, and apply both vertical and horizontal padding
    • Adjust cell-border width, format and color 
    • Merge, split, and distribute cells
  • The Sticky Note stencil is the latest addition to our ‘Callouts & Annotations’ category. Like the Callout, Bracket, Speech Bubble, and Thought Bubble, the Sticky Note has both Normal and Sticky modes – allowing it to either be attached to an object, or float freely. And, its ear can quickly be resized with the custom handle.
  • We’ve added an iPhone X stencil to the Stencil Library.


  • Components:
    • When you apply the ‘Detach Component’ option to a nested component, only the top-level component is detached; the nested sub-components are unaffected, and retain their component status.
    • Top-level components can now be locked.
  • View and Preview modes no longer include sidebars. Instead, the Page Tree and the Comment list can be opened by using buttons along the top toolbar.
  • Diagram extenders now connect to an adjacent object only if that object is another unlocked diagramming stencil. Otherwise, the extender creates a new diagramming object.
  • We’ve improved the Welcome Screen to include a Recent Projects sidebar, and a ‘Browse all projects’ link to the Dashboard. 
  • The Image Placeholder stencil now has a Rounded Corners control.
  • When an unsaved project is saved – either by autosave or by command – the user is now prompted to enter a project name, and to select a project owner.
  • Google Fonts have been updated to include new typefaces:
    Bahianita, Barriecito, Beth Ellen, Be Vietnam, Big Shoulders Display, Big Shoulders Text, Blinker, Chilanka, Crimson Pro, Darker Grotesque, DM Sans, DM Serif Display, DM Serif Text, Farro, Fira Code, Gayathri, Grenze, Hepta Slab, Lacquer, Lexend Deca, Lexend Exa, Lexend Giga, Lexend Mega, Lexend Peta, Lexend Tera, Lexend Zetta, Libre Caslon Display, Libre Caslon Text, Literata, Liu Jian Mao Cao, Livvic, Long Cang, Manjari, Mansalva, Ma Shan Zheng, Noto Sans HK, Red Hat Display, Red Hat Text, Saira Stencil One, Turret Road, Vibes, Zhi Mang Xing

Bug Fixes:

  • The Radial Gradient – with Stretch mode enabled – now centers properly in the Wedge shape.
  • In Default Styles mode, the color picker for ‘Fills & Strokes’ now responds properly.
  • Fixed an issue that affected visibility actions in the HTML export.
  • Objects that have their aspect ratio locked, and have also been rotated, now resize properly.

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