New Features:
- Live Collaborator Cursors: We’ve made it even easier for your team to create and edit in real time by expanding Collaborator Presence to include both object selections and live cursors. Now, you can coordinate your work seamlessly by seeing who’s doing what and where. You can choose to show or hide
Collaborator cursors
andCollaborator selections
in the Workspace menu.
- When you select ‘Create hotspot’, the 'Show hotspots' option is now automatically enabled.
Bug Fixes:
- Components:
- Better experience of Components in the Outline Panel.
- More consistent behavior of groups within a Component.
- The ‘Arrange’ function now works with Components.
- Hotspots:
- 'Show hotspots’ now works reliably in Safari.
- Fixed a bug that caused Hotspots to be repositioned – away from their associated stencils – when switching to View mode.
- Gradients:
- Fixed a bug that caused the Color Stops to appear on the Color Field instead of on the Gradient Slider.
- Fixed a bug that caused Gradient opacity to malfunction in Safari.
- For the ‘Export selection’ option of the Context Menu, fixed a bug that caused a selection of multiple object to be exported as a group – instead of being exported as separate PNG files.
- Importing Templates and Template bundles from our ‘Create’ pages – accessible through the ‘Use Cases’ link on our Landing Page – is now bug-free.
- When you reposition a Comment, its new location is now reflected on the collaborators’ canvases as well.
- On Combo Box stencils, the dropdown arrow is no longer affected by Stroke styling.
- Removed an error alert that appeared if you added collaborators in excess of the Free plan’s quota.
- Fixed a bug that made it difficult to collaboratively edit groups of objects in real time.