Revamped PDF and PNG Export – Better, crisper results

We’ve rebuilt our export system from scratch. Exporting your projects to PDF and PNG should look much better now. A lot of bugs and limitations from the previous versions were also resolved.

Here’s the gist of it:

  • Fonts should be displayed in great quality
  • Text with different font weights are now properly rendered
  • Most PDFs should have a healthy size loss after switching to a rigorous diet
  • Exporting drop shadows on objects finally works in both PDF and PNG (it was previously disabled due to technical limitations – not anymore!)
  • Images that are cropped or have rounded corners no longer look sad when exported

We’re preparing an amazing set of new export features in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned!

P.S. – To export your projects, click the menu with the Moqups logo in the top-left corner of the app and select Export.

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