9 Free Landing Page Templates Guaranteed to Convert

9 Free Landing Page Templates Guaranteed to Convert

Below you’ll find a curated list of free landing page templates, courtesy of Moqups. They are designed to help you increase people’s awareness about your products or services while offering the tools to convert them into loyal customers. Be sure to check them out before you kickstart your next promotional campaign.

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1. Event Landing Page Wireframe

While for some hosting an event is a pleasant activity, for others it can be quite a challenge. Things can go astray in a blink of an eye, so it comes as no surprise that it takes a certain type of personality to manage event organization successfully.

landing page template wireframe informing about upcoming event and  tickets for it
Event Landing Page Template

Although there are a thousand things that could go wrong, there is one thing that, if done right, can make a world of difference. Event promotion is the vital component in this process, and, when done correctly, it can set your event up for success.

Nowadays, the best way to promote any event is to go online. So, you can use our event landing page wireframe template and build pages that focus on portraying upcoming events and targeting key audiences, while resonating with your company’s vision and mission.

You can adjust this wireframe template to create a variety of event landing pages that fit your general tone of voice. You’ll also be able to highlight top speakers, include testimonials from past attendees or emphasize vital benefits.

2. Webinar Landing Page Template

If hosting a webinar is high on your priority list, one of the most efficient methods of spreading the news is through online campaigns. But, how does a successful campaign look like in this context?

The answer is simple: it helps you reach as many potential participants as possible. Designing a landing page that serves this purpose can be the element that will define the success of your next online campaign.

mockup of a page informing about upcoming webinar with visible countdown clock
Webinar Landing Page Template

Our webinar landing page wireframe template is the ideal tool to use when promoting upcoming webinars. Use the benefits section to attract participants by highlighting key takeaways. Share your webinar schedule so that everyone knows what to expect and when to expect it. Lastly, you can also emphasize key speakers in the dedicated section located at the bottom of this free landing page template.

3. Ebook Landing Page Wireframe

An ebook launch is a significant step in a writer’s career, which is why it’s essential to ensure that even the smallest details are set in place properly. Promotional aspects may sometimes be overlooked, even though they can have a major impact on how the ebook is perceived from the very beginning.

Mockup of a e-book promotional landing page
Ebook Landing Page Template

The good news is that now it’s easier than ever to advertise upcoming ebooks. We provide the ebook landing page wireframe template, a tool designed to help you build pages where you can share valuable details on your product, which you can then promote to make sure it reaches as many people as possible. Our free landing page template helps you focus on specific sections such as:

  • Ebook structure
  • Benefits
  • Author overview
  • Testimonials
  • Strategically placed call-to-action buttons

4. Workshop Landing Page Wireframe

As with other types of events, workshops require a complex set of preparations as well. From knowing the main topic of discussion inside out to working out aspects such as staffing or advertising, hosting a workshop is no easy task. 

Wireframe of a website about registration for workshop
Workshop Landing Page Template

To make life easier, we’ve created a workshop landing page wireframe template that will help you to promote your event successfully. You can now create an engaging landing page that will put your workshop in the spotlight by making use of a set of strategically placed sections such as: 

  • Workshop description 
  • Complete schedule
  • Testimonials
  • Administrative details on fees and registration
  • Speaker information
  • Contact details

5. Contest Landing Page Template

Contests are excellent tools that help companies reach new people, expand customer databases, and increase the popularity of a product. One could state that their main goal is to get people talking about the company standing behind them. 

mockup of a page about contest with prizes
Contest Landing Page Template

But contests also represent a playful way for businesses to interact with new or existing customers. When executed with an out-of-the-box mindset, they can often go viral. Two elements can determine the virality rate of any given contest: the concept and the promotional strategy around it. 

While coming up with the concept involves a lot of creativity, creating a promotional strategy around it, requires a healthy mix of creativity, resources, and knowledge. Our contest landing page wireframe template is a game-changer, and it is now available to support your promotional efforts. Using this wireframe template will help you build landing pages that address basic questions about your contest, such as:

  • What is this contest about?
  • What are the available prizes?
  • How can people enter the contest?
  • Who can enter? What are the eligibility requirements?
  • What are the terms and conditions of attending this contest?

6. Online Course Landing Page Wireframe

There is one vital element that can boost attendance rates if you’re planning to host an online course, and that is online promotion. Creating a campaign around your upcoming session will not only help you reach as many people as possible, but it will also reinforce your online presence, as well as help you gain more leads. 

wireframe of website about online courses
Online Course Landing Page Template

We bring you the online course landing page template – a wireframing tool you can use to create landing pages that will specifically target and advertise online courses. It is one of our responsive landing page templates, and the best bit is that you can adjust it to match your overall advertising strategy or the topic of your online course. 

You can use the sections we’ve provided to address fundamental questions such as:

  • What is the course about?
  • Who is this course for? 
  • What are the main modules of the course?

You will also be able to offer more details on the instructor’s background and add in testimonials from past attendees. Don’t forget to reinforce your main call-to-action: place it strategically across multiple locations on the page, so that visitors can act upon it in a fast and easy manner.

7. Lead Capture Landing Page Wireframe

Are you working tirelessly towards acquiring new leads? If the answer is yes and you need a new strategy, here is our two cents: build a lead capture landing page. This page will not only reinforce your brand’s image in front of existing customers, but it will also provide you with the opportunity of reaching new ones. What’s more, it will automate your lead acquisition strategy, and you’ll find it easy to integrate into your company’s marketing efforts. 

wireframe of a web page made to capture leads
Lead Capture Landing Page Template

The lead capture landing page wireframe template is a tool you can use to build a page designed specifically to attract new leads. On this page, you’ll be able to share valuable information on your products or services by filling in sections that are crucial for customers’ understanding. As a result, you’ll have the opportunity to formulate answers for the following set of questions: 

  • What is your company’s main statement?
  • What are the best features of your products/services? 
  • Which are the top benefits of your products/services?
  • Why should people use your products?

8. Free Trial Landing Page Template

Never underestimate the importance of a free trial. The more complex your product is, the less likely people are going to be to buy it right away. 

Before any purchasing decision is made, your potential customers will browse around, look up competitors, and compare your product to others. They will ask themselves questions such as: which product has the best features and is the most beneficial to my work? Which product is the most cost-effective? And, if I pay a higher price, how will that cost be justified?

wireframe of a website promoting 30-day free trial
Free Trial Landing Page Wireframe

Offering them the possibility of a free trial will not only answer these questions, but it will also help them understand your product better, and you’ll also be able to alleviate any doubts. 

Bring your team together and start brainstorming ideas for setting up your next free trial. One of our free landing page templates, the free trial landing page wireframe template, is an excellent starting point in this process. This wireframe template lets you integrate key sections into your landing page such as: 

  • Product features
  • Promotional video
  • Key benefits
  • Pricing plans
  • Call-to-action buttons

9. SaaS Landing Page Wireframe

One of the best ways to introduce a new SaaS product on the market is to build a unique landing page that will focus solely on presenting features and benefits while helping potential customers understand what exactly makes your product stand out. 

low fidelity mockup of a software company website
SaaS Landing Page Template

Moqups offers you a SaaS landing page wireframe template you can use to create pages designed to advertise your products or services – this is yet another one of our free landing page templates and includes the following sections: 

  • Compelling tagline accompanied by a call-to-action button
  • Multiple benefits sections
  • Presentation video
  • Pricing plans
  • List of world-renowned company clients

When editing this template, you can easily delete, add, or substitute existing sections with those that fit your product best. This way you can ensure that the final version of this page will stand out and will boost customer acquisition rates.

Are you interested in more free landing page templates? Head to our template library – this is where you’ll find a varied collection of wireframe templates you can easily use to build those landing pages that add value to your business strategy. We are also continually updating our collection, so if there’s anything specific that you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to hear your thoughts! 

Templates wireframe Wireframing

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